Ayurveda is a whole-body (holistic) system of medicine that began in India more than 3,000 years ago. Ayurveda means the study of life. It takes a natural approach to all aspects of health and well-being.
Ayurveda is based on the idea that each person has certain life forces (doshas) and everything in the universe is connected. An imbalance in one area can affect another. When the imbalance is not fixed, disease and illness can occur.
Ayurveda mostly uses nutrition, lifestyle changes, and natural treatments. These are used to support balance and a return to health. Ayurveda is very focused on overall health. But it may use specific treatments for some diseases.
This is an exciting science that can help you to learn a great deal about yourself and your loved ones. This modality offers you the chance to make informed choices about your body, mind, spirit, and health in a wonderful holistic way.
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